Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dylan does it again!!!

So Dylan tells me while we are standing by the fish counter that he would like to have muscles...I mean mussels, for supper. So I go ahead and ask for about a pound (that's 454g for the under 35 crowd!) I haven't made mussels since I was in school. My husband doesn't like them and I just can't be bothered to do them for myself. but hey its only a couple of bucks and Dylan is adventurous with his food, and I want to encourage that as much as possible.

We get home and Dylan and I wash our hands. I dump the mussels out into a bowl and I show Dylan how to de-beard them (most of them were really clean though) and told him to make sure they were all shut tight. He busied himself with that task as I minced garlic, chopped onions, and diced some red pepper. I heated some olive oil in a skillet and sauteed the prepared veggies and when it was nice and hot I dumped in the mussels, added a good glug of white wine, some salt and pepper and popped the lid on it.

Dylan got mad because I put "booze" in his food, and he was concerned that the mussels were going to get drunk! At that point I took a big glug of white wine and almost wish I would too... *lol*

After I convinced him that the booze magically disappears, about enough time had passed so that I could serve up the mussels. (I would have finished them with a touch of 35% cream, alas I had none *pout*)

Well they almost look good enough to eat!!!

(except for that, not that one, the one beside that, ya, that one, it looks like its looking at me and that is just not cool!)

I told Dylan not to eat any that weren't opened, but would he eat any at all?

So the moment of truth was at hand. Was Dylan still as curious about eating them when he saw them cooked?

I will let you decide...