Thursday, November 12, 2009

If you knew sushi, like I knew sushi....

Dylan, my 4 yr old has very mature tastes.

He likes Indian curries, Thai food, Sushi...and of course eating with chop sticks. I used to buy sushi for D every now and again but it really is kinda expensive when your kid asks for sushi every time you go in the grocery store!!! (I wish my kids just made a spectical at the checkout begging for chocolate like the other kids)

There was only one thing to do, make it ourselves.

I had made sushi a few years ago in my chef's class, but that was before I had kids, and I knew Nath would never eat it so I didn't pay much attention but I seemed to recall, it was easy and didn't require much effort or equiptment.

The good news is, it still is easy. Dylan helped out and we made three rolls. AND he loved it. A pack of chop sticks and a rolling mat, sushi rice, ricewine vinegar, Nori (dried seaweed sheets) and what ever you want for fillings. Inexpensive and fun!

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