Monday, April 5, 2010

My first commissioned work!!!

I posted a number of "jobs" I would do for only $5 on a website called
My post was something like this 
I will name a sandwich after you and send you the recipe for $5
I will name a yummy sandwich after you.
I will take a picture of this sandwich I have created so you can share your namesake with your friends and family, I will also give you the recipe for this sandwich so you can share how amazing you really are.
I will take any special dietary concerns into account!

 In case you don't know I went through school to be a chef and passed with flying colours, however I didn't write the ministry exam to actually get my cooks trade papers. So for me this is an amazing opportunity to share my love for food in another way.


The start of an exciting sandwich making career???

The art280 sandwich

The art280 is a sandwich encompassing the tastes of 4 friends.

sky likes crispy things
sarah likes spicy things
mackenzie like walking on the beach
benny likes watching pro football

I had a number of different ideas as to how to incorporate these themes into a sandwich that would reflect these individuals.( Unfortunately people frown upon killing sea gulls while others are enjoying the beach so I will have to save that idea for another time...)

The runners up included a hot dog (beach and football) covered with chili (football tailgate, spicy)  further topped with crushed doritos (football, spicy and crispy) and finally Jalapano jack cheese (spicy), and a very close first runner up to the sandwich I made was a thinly sliced bbq'ed steak (football tailgate) sandwich served on a cornbread bun (often served at clam bakes at the beach) smothered in a zesty chipotle bbq sauce(spicy), with French's french fried onions perched on the top! (crispy)

But the sandwich that started out as little more than a few ingredients in my pantry and forevermore shall be known as The art280 sandwich is a sandwich consisting of toasted pumpernickle rounds (crispy) topped with a smidge of miracle whip and then a freshly prepared salmon cake (beach) garnished with a bed of spring mix lettuce and a second salmon cake which is further topped with a spicy mango chutney (spicy) finally this awesomeness is then topped with kettled cooked chips (great when watching a football game and for extra crispiness)  the final piece comes into place when the second piece of toasted pumpernickle that has a light speading of miracle whip on it is ever so gently lowered into place.

I opted to make this a "hot" sandwich, but if you prefer your sandwiches chilled a tasty salmon salad could have been used in place of the salmon cake.

The salmon cake

you will need

1 can of salmon drained and cleaned (unless you like the salmon bones and stuff)
1/4 of a cooking onion minced (or 1 green onion thinly sliced)
1/4 of a red pepper minced
salt and pepper
1 tbsp. flour
approx 1/4 c. of crackers crushed fine.
1 tsp parmesan cheese
pinch of red pepper flakes

two eggs beaten

Combine the first 4 ingredients and mix. sprinkle with flour and then add the cracker crumbs, parmesan and pepper flakes. Mix once again and slowly add the beaten eggs until you get a mixure that binds together well.

Fry the salmon cake in a non stick pan over medium heat for approx. 5 mins per side.

Enjoy it on The art280 sandwich.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pasta easy as 3-2-1

My husband is a firm believer in the Jamie Oliver school of though, that kids should be able to cook 10 meals before they leave school. I am a firm believer that they need to know waaaaay more than that! So I decided the to most who haven't attempted if before.....but honestly its the simplest thing! and cheap too!

I explained to my boys that pasta only has 3 ingredients (at least this recipe) 3 eggs, 2 cups of flour an 1 half of a tea spoon of salt....get it 3 2 1!

(really he did)
2 cups of flour~~~~1 half teaspoon of salt
and now the 3 eggs ~~~~  get it all mixed in

This is the part little boys love!!!

And now for the "fun" part!

Dyan, as usual, couldn't wait to try out the pasta. Rhys on the other hand just enjoyed making it and was satisfied that pasta can just come out of a box and that is fine with him. I am going to make some ravioli with them next time and a fresh lasagna with home made tomato sauce in the summer when the tomatoes are plentiful.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dylan does it again!!!

So Dylan tells me while we are standing by the fish counter that he would like to have muscles...I mean mussels, for supper. So I go ahead and ask for about a pound (that's 454g for the under 35 crowd!) I haven't made mussels since I was in school. My husband doesn't like them and I just can't be bothered to do them for myself. but hey its only a couple of bucks and Dylan is adventurous with his food, and I want to encourage that as much as possible.

We get home and Dylan and I wash our hands. I dump the mussels out into a bowl and I show Dylan how to de-beard them (most of them were really clean though) and told him to make sure they were all shut tight. He busied himself with that task as I minced garlic, chopped onions, and diced some red pepper. I heated some olive oil in a skillet and sauteed the prepared veggies and when it was nice and hot I dumped in the mussels, added a good glug of white wine, some salt and pepper and popped the lid on it.

Dylan got mad because I put "booze" in his food, and he was concerned that the mussels were going to get drunk! At that point I took a big glug of white wine and almost wish I would too... *lol*

After I convinced him that the booze magically disappears, about enough time had passed so that I could serve up the mussels. (I would have finished them with a touch of 35% cream, alas I had none *pout*)

Well they almost look good enough to eat!!!

(except for that, not that one, the one beside that, ya, that one, it looks like its looking at me and that is just not cool!)

I told Dylan not to eat any that weren't opened, but would he eat any at all?

So the moment of truth was at hand. Was Dylan still as curious about eating them when he saw them cooked?

I will let you decide...