Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Manic Monday

For excitement *sarcastic roll of the eyes* I made meatloaf for supper Monday. We don't often have meatloaf in fact my husband of 11 years looked at me quizzically, and asked me if he had ever had meat loaf. I didn't know what to tell him except..."uhhh I dunno" and I shot him a quizzical look back.

I did a basic ground beef, minced onion, bread crumb, egg, milk type deal and seasoned it with steak spice. To add a little pizazz I then covered the meatloaf with strips of bacon and baked it at 375F for about 50 mins.

It was O.K., not bad, not great.

I think some cheeze would have really helped things along in the flavour department, but I found the bacon in combination with the ground beef was already quite greasy, so I think the cheese might have made it worse. Maybe a variation of this meat loaf could be made by adding cooked and cooled bacon bits and cheddar cheese mixed in with the ground beef and cooking it as a loaf that way, or even making bacon cheeseburger meat balls that you could cook in a Pillsbury crescent roll wrap thing, to make little finger food appitizers.

We had fries and gravy and some corn to round out the meal. Let's just say Monday is a day better off forgotten.

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