Monday, October 5, 2009

Organic batter blaster

On the weekend I was wandering through the Wal-mart grocery isles when I spied something called "organic batter blaster".

Now I am not on the organic wagon, in fact I think shopping locally is far more important than buying organic, but what caught my attention is that this is a pre-made pancake batter in what appears to be a whipped cream aerosol can. It was $4.97 which would buy a lot of dry pancake mix, but my inner child got the best of me, and I bought it.

Sunday morning arrived with a shout out to the kids "Who wants pancakes???" Immediately my eldest ran to the freezer, because that where pancakes come from in our house, but I said "no, today we are going to make these..." proudly holding my aerosol batter. Both kids looked at me as if I were off my rocker (for not the first or last time I'm sure) and I proceeded to heat the pan and squeeze dollops of soon to be pancakes in the pan.

It was easy to control the flow and was pleasantly mess free, which is not the case when I make pancake batter myself and attempt pouring it. They tasted pancakes even, but I wondered how many it would make.

I ended up making pancakes for myself and the kids on two occasions and I think that is reasonable.

Overall it was fun, it tasted good, and it saved time and mess, but the price might put some people off.

Check it out for yourself here BATTER BLASTER.

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